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One of those days...

Writer's picture: Kristen HepnerKristen Hepner

Today began as all days do the past few weeks. Around 3 am my watch started buzzing indicating that it was time to take my new puppy out. Awe. Love her. Maybe not as much at 3 am, but no one (or thing) is perfect.

Then at 6:30, the time I usually roll over and hop out of bed to spend time with the Lord…alone…came and went. Finally, at 7 I had to force my sleep deprived self to get up and take so called cute new puppy out, get one grumpy boy whose “tummy hurts” out the door for school, and check the girl child’s fever once again. She has one…which means I need to cancel the babysitter, call the doctor, and prepare myself for another day as sympathetic nurse.

Some days, this may come easy…this morning I am having to choose joy. To remind myself that all things should be done for the Lord and not man…and more importantly, in my weakness, He is strong. I need more Jesus. That is the moral lesson of this morning.

I am left with little doubt that today will be a struggle over my own flesh. I most likely will have to return to the prayer closest a time or two. I have already had to explain…3 times…that Mommy needs a few more minutes with Jesus. No words have ever been truer.

The Lord took me to this passage this morning. It’s kind of long but read it.

I went past the field of a sluggard,

past the vineyard of someone who has no sense;

thorns had come up everywhere,

the ground was covered with weeds,

and the stone wall was in ruins.

I applied my heart to what I observed

and learned a lesson from what I saw:

A little sleep, a little slumber,

a little folding of the hands to rest—

and poverty will come on you like a thief

and scarcity like an armed man.

-Proverbs 24:30-34, NIV

He then impressed on my heart to rewrite this passage with how I am feeling this morning from my own perspective. It too is kind of long but read it.

I woke up feeling sluggish today,

entitled to be selfish

sickness had come up everywhere

the kids were covered with needs,

and the house was such a mess it looked ruined.

I applied my heart to what I observed

and learned a lesson from what I saw:

A little selfishness, a little grumpy heart—

a little too much of looking inward and being the victim

and dissatisfaction will come on you like a thief

and you will be robbed of all your joy.

The enemy is out to derail me today. However, my first line of defense is the observe his evil schemes. So here is me taking a stand. I see you, evil one…and you have no power over me.

Next, I will place my trust back into the God of my heart…acknowledge that I can do nothing without Him and begging Him to enter into this day. Turn to His Word and let it cover me completely. Stand firm on His promises that He will get me through this day…His love for all of those in need can flow through me when I stay fully connected to Him.

So just like this purple water bottle that I am carrying around in an effort to drink all the water my body needs, today I will carry around this purple Bible and fight the lies of struggle, discontentment, and feelings of being inconvenienced back to hell because I am one blessed woman.

My prayer for my own heart today is found in 1Thessalonians 3:12, "May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you."

Praying for all you Momma’s out there who feel unseen, overwhelmed, and tired. The struggle is worth it. Hang in there and fight like crazy to choose joy...and selfless LOVE!


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