We have had really amazing springtime weather this week…and have taken full advantage of living outside. Playing in the yard, eating our meals outside, and soaking in the sunshine has become our lives. I have said it a million times lately, but we have never been so grateful to have a yard. There are so many of our dear friends who live in apartments and don’t have the luxury of an outdoor space. While my heart aches for them, I know the Lord gives them the grace they need.
As we go into this holiday weekend, we are once again ordered to not leave our homes. May 1st is one of our favorite Serbian days. You would typically find us somewhere in the sun near water with tons of friends, playing games, and grilling some yummy food. This year we will be at home. We will still grill out…and I am sure we will play a game or two…but it won’t be the same…and that’s OK.
Different doesn’t mean worse. It just means different.
This May 1st will also be different because it is predicated to rain all weekend. After days and days of sunshine and the perfect temperature, I was honestly disappointed to see rain in the forecast for the entire weekend. However, in an effort to exercise thoughts of thanksgiving this morning, I put my coat on, sat on my porch out of the rain, and began to thank God for the rain that my newly planted garden needs.
As my heart turned to thanksgiving, I started to notice the beauty of the sky.
It was a different color of blue in every direction. There were dark shades, light shades, and even white clouds here and there. Beautiful!
When I take my eyes off of myself and start to focus on the Lord…looking for ways to be grateful and to see His hands at work in my life, then I begin to hear His little whispers.
This morning, he brought a tried and true promise to my mind. 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 says, “When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
This weekend, as I watch the rain blow in, I will think of this promise. God knows what He is doing. I know that through this time, He has changed me. He has personally given me opportunities to share His truths with many ladies. He has allowed our ministry to grow in ways we never thought possible. He has given me months of having my family around me, making memories, and enjoying each other’s company.